About Us

CIQAM Green Solutions
CIQAM is solely a women’s social enterprise. CIQAM currently hold its premises inside the Altit Fort area in Hunza Valley. Since it’s establishment in late 2003, CIQAM has governed policies to principally transform skills into formal business service, enabling young women to overcome socially constructed cultural restrictions and gain economic empowerment through skilled-based trainings.
Ciqam governs policies to transform skills into a formal business services enabling young women to gain economic empowerment.

Numbers Speak For Themselves!
Musical Instruments
Products on demand

Amazing Product. Highly Recommended.

Mah Jabeen

We Deal With Various Quality Products and Services!

- Chairs
- Tables
- Bed
- Rubab
- Sitar
- Architectural surveys
- Carpentory
- Masonry
- Historical restoration and documentation.
- Topographic